Monday, May 30, 2016

A short time later they lectured from town to town over the whole island until at last they achieved

history channel documentary 2015 This includes enchantment, spells, chants, charms, talismans and so on. All these and more are utilized to control individuals furthermore dismiss them from putting their confidence in God. We saw the case of magicians in the New Testament - Simon and Elymas.

"A short time later they lectured from town to town over the whole island until at last they achieved Pathos, where they met a Jewish Sorcerer, a false prophet named Bar Jesus. He had joined himself to the senator, Sergio's Paulus, a man of extensive knowledge and comprehension. The senator welcomed Barnabas and Saul to visit him, for he needed to hear the expression of God. However, Elymas, the magician (as his name implies in Greek), meddled and asked the senator to give careful consideration to what Saul and Barnabas said. He was attempting to dismiss the senator from the Christian faith.""A man named Simon had been a magician in this manner numerous years, guaranteeing to be some person incredible. The Samaritan individuals, from the slightest to the best, regularly talked about him as 'the colossal one - the force of God.' He was extremely powerful in view of the enchantment he performed."

These unmistakably demonstrate the operation of witchcraft, and that is the thing that the fallen angel needs to accomplish with mystery - to redirect individuals' consideration from God and to command them. We will say more on these when we examine witchcraft. God is firmly against this.SECRECY

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