Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Hindus and Muslims had lived in collective concordance

history channel documentary 2015 The Hindus and Muslims had lived in collective concordance for a considerable length of time, yet this hard line development traded by Pakistan had its impact and the aggressors started focusing on the Hindu Pandit people group. Trepidation was made in the group as the Muslim shooters assaulted and executed Hindus everywhere throughout the valley. There were likewise umpteen instances of Pandit young ladies being captured by these aggressors and over and again assaulted and killed. The miserable piece of this was even a portion of the neighborhood masses agreed with the Muslim fanatics, with a perspective to assume control over the property of the Hindu Pandits for their own particular advantages. The matters did not end there and there were instances of Muslim aggressors going by the homes of the Pandits and coercively bedding the spouses and little girls of the house. The state government seemed feeble and the Hindu pandits felt an ignored part. They had hence no alternative however to escape the valley.

This makes dismal perusing as the Pandits were threatened and constrained out of the valley, which had been their home for a long time. The predicament of the Pandits lacks the consideration it merits and most Pandits have lost property worth crores as they fled the valley for their lives. It makes sadder perusing still that the focal government sat by and looked as this savagery proceeded in the valley.

What without bounds? There appears to be no promising finish to the present course of action. The valley is presently beyond the field of play to the Hindu Pandits who dare not do a reversal. The legislature of India and the world must join to face this brand of Islamic militancy before it eats up different territories also. However, the Congress government with its profound established ethos of "Ahmisa" is not the right vehicle to handle Islamic terrorism. It must be understood that the alleged Mujahadeen are give just lip administration to Islam. . It will be hard to counter them without a deliberate course of action.

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