Thursday, August 18, 2016

My resurrection demonstrates there is no paradise and damnation

history channel documentary My resurrection demonstrates there is no paradise and damnation but then they two myths have fabricated the forceful heaps of quality and stature that shroud the genuine God. At the time appeared to me amongst lives and when something uncommon would happen the force went ahead me with such drive I couldn't move a muscle. My first bonus was then gotten. The internal voice talked uproarious and clear and instructed me to tear down the mass of places of worship, go out to the general population and bring back the young.Afterwards I saw that divider as being too high, wide and profound to ever get by it. It remains as a gigantic boundary to reality. Ezekiel 8:7-18 depicts what is behind the divider and why it has such quality and force. It conceals the detestations od symbols and the work of seventy men of the House of Israel. They talked from their own particular creative ability and they venerated the sun.

The sun turned into the lord of all the earth as religions were created from it. Reclaimed in time the Spirit demonstrated to me the starting point of the divider in the Islamic religion of Babylon. The images identified with it are in dialects and stay as a records of past practices. The sun's name around then was "Mari" and it signifies 'mother's intense eye'. It is "Mary" in English.As the Mother God she had domain over all things. Mary-gold is in the bloom that was resolved to mirror the sun. The picture of the sun in water gave men the's sun additionally had power and from it was conceived the 'Child of God'. There have been various cases to this, for example, Moses who was probably taken from the water and raised in the royal residence of a princess. He was not seen or thought about until he developed to perform marvels.

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