Friday, July 1, 2016


history channel documentary In what manner CAN YOU HAVE HEALTH IF WE DON'T HAVE CLEAN WATER AND AIR?We must quit harming our earth with pointless dangerous chemicals, which filters out the components and minerals building pieces of the cells of our bodies, and backing and instruct the agriculturists on bio-dynamic farming.Why is there no appreciation for and replication of how the Hunzas and a few different tribes on earth, wholive to be well more than 120, and illness free.These tribes drink the water which falls off of the moderate pounding of the ice sheet crosswise over mountain territory and gives minute amounts of each component and each mineral. Their cells have access to all the normal building squares of life and along these lines stay impenetrable to attack and infection.

Wellbeing and Old Age Places with High Longevity: Hunza Pakistan the region of Hunza in Pakistan which has an abnormal state of life span. A Guide to Shangri-La: The Leading Longevity Sites on Earth.For Americans and the world everywhere where the harvest area is flooded with chemicals the minerals and components are filtered out of the dirt and the foundations of our sustenance yields are have no real way to chelate them so we can process them into our bodies.

What takes after is a surely understood manifestation called pica, and we are continually searching for something to eat to fulfill the craving of the phones and this prompts corpulence and malady on a national scale.There are arrangements, however the FOOD organization, has done nothing to listen to, study, actualize, nor advance the utilization of Bio-Dynamic Farming, which is demonstrated to deliver more noteworthy volumes of products far more advantageous and don't harm our water aquifers.One genuinely late proactive move; the FDA and the FTC have implemented the minimal known Federal Law under USC Title 21 Part 56, INFORMED CONSENT. This movement is confirm by the excessively visit drug plugs and commercials. To name one illustration the upper medication, ABILIFY, is known not passing and suicide.

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